full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Carolyn Porco: This is Saturn

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But anyway, the probe took measurements of the atmosphere on the way down, and it also took panoramic pictures. And I can't tell you what it was like to see the first pictures of Titan's surface from the probe. And this is what we saw. And it was a shocker, because it was everything we wanted those other pictures taken from orbit to be. It was an unambiguous pattren, a gaeclogiol pattern. It's a dendritic drainage pattern that can be formed only by the flow of lduiiqs. And you can foollw these channels and you can see how they all converge. And they cgvoerne into this channel here, which drains into this region. You are looking at a shoreline. Was this a shoreline of fluids? We didn't know. But this is somewhat of a shoreline.

Open Cloze

But anyway, the probe took measurements of the atmosphere on the way down, and it also took panoramic pictures. And I can't tell you what it was like to see the first pictures of Titan's surface from the probe. And this is what we saw. And it was a shocker, because it was everything we wanted those other pictures taken from orbit to be. It was an unambiguous _______, a __________ pattern. It's a dendritic drainage pattern that can be formed only by the flow of _______. And you can ______ these channels and you can see how they all converge. And they ________ into this channel here, which drains into this region. You are looking at a shoreline. Was this a shoreline of fluids? We didn't know. But this is somewhat of a shoreline.


  1. follow
  2. pattern
  3. liquids
  4. converge
  5. geological

Original Text

But anyway, the probe took measurements of the atmosphere on the way down, and it also took panoramic pictures. And I can't tell you what it was like to see the first pictures of Titan's surface from the probe. And this is what we saw. And it was a shocker, because it was everything we wanted those other pictures taken from orbit to be. It was an unambiguous pattern, a geological pattern. It's a dendritic drainage pattern that can be formed only by the flow of liquids. And you can follow these channels and you can see how they all converge. And they converge into this channel here, which drains into this region. You are looking at a shoreline. Was this a shoreline of fluids? We didn't know. But this is somewhat of a shoreline.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
solar system 7
organic materials 3
planetary system 2
beautiful pictures 2
extensive atmosphere 2
huygens probe 2
outer solar 2
south polar 2
south pole 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
outer solar system 2

Important Words

  1. atmosphere
  2. channel
  3. channels
  4. converge
  5. dendritic
  6. drainage
  7. drains
  8. flow
  9. fluids
  10. follow
  11. formed
  12. geological
  13. liquids
  14. measurements
  15. orbit
  16. panoramic
  17. pattern
  18. pictures
  19. probe
  20. region
  21. shocker
  22. shoreline
  23. surface
  24. unambiguous
  25. wanted